Homework, or Hill-work.
Finding the happy medium between my improtant stuff, and my important stuff.
And so starts the bike season of
2014. I’ve drastically changed my life, and am trying to figure out how to
incorporate cycling into it.
gone back to school, as you might be able to tell by the title of this
blog. I keep getting stuck between
the want to get out and exercise, and the need to do my homework. There are only so many hours of strait
reading about economics or business practices I can do before I jump out of my
skin. That being said, it needs to
get done.
I have recently adapted the life
style of a part time father as well.
I have a small person that needs constant attention when she’s
awake. I always hear about the parents
who can put on cartoons or a movie and let the kid zone out for an hour so you
can get stuff done. This doesn’t
work with her. She wants to talk
about what’s going on, like going to the movies with an old lady. So depending on the day, I usually only
have a few hours of naptime to get most things done. But when everything calms down I just want to sleep
too… By the time she goes to sleep
(8:30-9) I’m also tired and just fall asleep if I try to read a textbook.
I also have “ADD” or at least I was
diagnosed with it. It is just a
fancy way to say I need to remove all the distractions when I’m doing something
that might be a little boring. I
space off a lot when I read anything but the juiciest fiction. So my way of dealing with it is every few
pages I do a few push ups. I will
also read out loud, not loudly, just have my lips moving. But the extra mechanical stimulation
keeps me more focused on the words I’m reading, because I’m literally
physically experiencing them.
O and the weather has sucked a
lot. I need to invest in some
Showers Pass gear. It’s so hard to
feel comfortable with ditching homework just to trudge through the rain for a
couple hours… And trainer rides are soul sucking… I can only do about 3 a month… so that’s no good. Might have to do one today.
So all this combined is not really
helping my resolve to keep in shape.
I’m already 11 lbs up since the end of cross season. On the few rides I’ve done this year it’s
depressing to so my Strava times and compare them to last years… depressing is
an understatement.
I need to work out. It’s amazing how many things I can do
in a day and still feel unproductive.
And on the flip side it’s amazing how good and productive I feel if I
get a two-hour ride and a shower in.
Maybe I should get it figured out. I’ve been running a little bit
too. But that’s almost more
depressing than the Strava biking.
I haven’t really run in a couple of years, so I’m starting from a pretty
low point. A few years ago I ran a
few marathons and a triathlon, not to mention countless 5ks, 10ks, and half
marathons. My last marathon I
averaged 6:40 pace, so now when I run 4 miles and can barely break 8 minute
mile pace, its very defeating. I
know I have the ability, I just don’t have the time and will power right
now. But I still need to do
something. I know I need to get
one of those big calendars and write out a training plan. My fiancé is very supportive of me
working out, but unless I take a little initiative she doesn’t know to push
me. I think with the calendar she
will be able to see what I’m supposed to be doing, and make fun of me for not
doing it.

I’m also in the middle of getting a
new job. I don’t know if putting
out resume after resume, and having interview after interview end with me not
getting the job is adding to my lack of motivation. It’s hard to put yourself out there, but I don’t feel a
direct negative from it. Maybe its
there, but just subconsciously.
Well I guess this was less of a
biking blog, and more of an introspective look at my life right now. Either way it was cathartic for me,
writing this blog in a Star Bucks waiting for my cars brakes to get done.